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Home > english-chinese > "apparatus and in which a scientist works" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "apparatus and in which a scientist works"


Related Translations:
which:  pron.1.〔疑问〕哪个,哪一个(人);哪一些。 W- is the largest 哪一个最大? I don't know which is which. 我不知道哪一个是哪一个。 W- to reject and which to accept 何去何从? 2. 〔关系〕这(个),那(个)〔有先行词〕。 the house in which I once lived
list of scientists:  科学家列表
which patent:  什么样的专利
which or:  链接前后两个分词
which man:  哪位男士?
which was:  后省略哪一个是……
who which person:  哪个人
this that which:  和序数词等之后可以省略例如
which is your bag:  哪个是你的包
what which when where:  表示“无论…”
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